
  • 1953 Rigid PVC extrusion in Hautes Alpes...
  • 1953: WATTOHM incorporates the Planet site, enters the field of extrusion and manufactures the first French rigid profile.
  • 1962 The first flexible strips door...
  • 1962: Start soft PVC extrusion: creation of the first door strips.
  • 1967: WATTHOM becomes PLANET-WATTOHM, manufacturer of plastic products (industrial ventilation, siding, paneling, profiles, etc...). Several brands are created to identify the different competence fields of PLANET-WATTOHM. The soft PVC business unit is named EXTRUFLEX.
  • 1997-2007 Extruflex becomes the world leading flexible PVC company...
  • 1997: FONTENAY INDUSTRY group goes  bankrupt: J.VALAT acquires EXTRUFLEX.
  • 1998: EUROFLEX, a french competitor, is taken over.
  • 1999: Acquisition of the PVC Business Unit of BENEKE-KALIKO (German company): Creation of FLEXICO
  • 2001 : FLEXICO becomes DIFLEX and in 2003 EXTRUFLEX Gmbh.
  • 2002: Acquisition of POWERKIT Ltd (UK)
  • 2003: Creation of EXTRUFLEX UK by merging POWERKIT and CLEARWAY (UK Extruflex company)
  • 2004: Creation of EXTRUFLEX Zongshan (China).
  • 2005: Acquisition of the soft PVC Division of KAUTEX (German company)
  • 2008-...Going forward...
  • 2008: Creation of EXTRUFLEX ASIA PACIFIC (Honk-Kong)
  • 2010: Creation of EXTRUFLEX NORTH AMERICA (Birmingham, Alabama, USA)
  • 2011: Creation of EXTRUFLEX DO BRASIL (Curitiba, Brazil)
  • 2016: Creation of EXTRUFLEX LLC (Moscow, Russia)